Monday, July 13, 2009

Who is Whale? I'm Getting OLD!

Apparently, I’m old. I’m only 34 (almost 35), but at times I feel really, really old. Like last Thursday.

We have high schoolers working in my building for the summer. The young lady whom I supervise gives me a quote and song of the day every morning. The kids don’t work on Friday, so when she left on Thursday she stuck Friday’s quote and song on my computer monitor. The song was Pretty Girls by Wale. I looked at it and asked, “Whale?” She said, “no, Wah-lay”. I had to laugh at myself because I have no idea who Wale is. I was fairly certain no one had given their child a name that was pronounced Whale, and had to wonder why someone would use Whale as a stage name. Wale is still strange to me, but it’s a whole lot better than “whale”. Sometimes I feel like such a dunce around young people. Who knew being 35 was the same as being 96 when it comes to being hip?

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