Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified and The United Methodist Church...Hand in Hand?

Finally, finally, finally...a post that has something to do with a portion of the address of this blog...not many fathers... My original intent was for my first post to be an exegesis of I Corinthians 4:15, which reads: "For though ye have ten thousand instructers in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." I just wanted to talk about how we have many teachers or instructors, but not many who actually take the time to nurture us in The Gospel. 

While this post is not directly related to that passage of Scripture, it is loosely tied.  Here's how...I'm taking an online class under the United Methodist Church, the denomination to which I belong. The denomination to which God sent me and I went (albeit, grudgingly), as I shared in a previous post. I have been asking The Lord; "WHY???" for some time now and He finally gave me some peace in Jeremiah 29: 7.  That's another post for another time, though.  Back to this post...a question was posed in this class concerning the best way to develop "Principled Christian Leaders".  This was my answer (and the reason I fully expect to be kicked out of the UMC...I kid, I kid):

One key component in developing Principled Christian Leaders is for those being developed to follow the leading of Principled Christian Leaders who are already in place.  I have a wonderfully Godly pastor who models Christian Leadership and truly lives The Gospel.  I submit to her leadership, tutelage and mentorship so that I have an example.  We learn best by example and if there are more Principled Christian Leaders in place, more can be developed.  Our church has instituted monthly Leadership Training and a number of small groups that put this thought into action.  Our pastor has recruited help in creating the Leadership Training and she gently guides (without micro-managing) those of us who lead small groups.  Our church is guided by The Bible first, as the Ultimate Guidebook for Christ's Church and then The Book of Discipline as a guide for a congregation within the UMC. 

The UMC would do well to get behind its truly Godly leaders and do whatever possible to support and encourage them, so that the focus can truly be on making disciples of Jesus, rather than such a major focus on numbers and money.  While money is necessary for ministry, it should not be a church's number one priority and the numbers will increase as pastors are encouraged to preach Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Jesus is The One who draws by The Holy Spirit...to paraphrase a quote from the movie Field of Dreams..."If we preach Him, they will come".  There is no better way to develop Principled Christian Leaders than to teach, live and model The Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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